Sunday 10 August 2014

2mm dwarf army

I wanted a dwarf army in 2mm scale but unfortunately Irregular don't do a dwarf block so I had to improvise. One candidate is the hobbits block as they are noticeably smaller than their lofty 2mm adversaries. I decided against them as they are in rabble formation and look rather weedy. Instead I used the skirmish infantry BG3 from the horse and musket range. These guys are mostly kneeling or otherwise hunkered down making them about the right size.

After painting them silver I painted their faces black and then put a dab of flesh in the middle of the black as their face. The idea being to make them look like they have beards. At 1mm I think that's probably the best I can do!  Please ignore the disturbing naked blob on the front block, that's the first blob of what will hopefully end up looking slightly like a general on a bear. Or a rock if I fudge it up.

Irregular do some nice bombards (RBG30) that might go nicely with these dwarfs. Some converted siege engines (ABG25) might be in order too.

I like the idea of an army of dwarfs supplemented by some elementals so here's my first attempt at a stone elemental. He's on a 1p piece so as you can probably tell he's big in 2mm scale. I made the basic shape out of green stuff and then covered it in glue and dipped it into some basing grit.

I haven't decided whether to finish him off as some kind of rock and mud creation or paint him up as lava.

Talking of lava here's an unintentionally camp (I think) looking fire elemental which I also made from green stuff.

1 comment:

  1. You have some great stuff. I really enjoy 2mm and 6mm modeling. It is very simple to create very characterful models. The creativity award goes to the smaller scales.
    I am curious as to why your models are on such small bases? 2mm models look great on larger bases. I really had a dilemma about putting my French Indochina units on 6 cm wide bases. I decided against it as Spearhead calls for 1 1/4" bases. I was already using 4cm by 3cm bases. It would screw up the scale of the game to much.
    The bigger bases look really good visually. The smaller ones looked cramped to me. Of course, it's your table and your science fiction fantasy reality.
    Keep painting!
