Here's a few pictures of my 2mm WW2 German army. I gave them a very quick and simple paintjob starting by spraying them grey and then painting on a darker grey and drybrushing that a bit. Finally I gave them a wash of Vallejo sepia tone which is very handy stuff for 2mm. It picks out all the detail and gives good shadows.

The tanks are very easy to tell apart even from a distance, something which I was worried about before diving into 2mm.
I used a product called "no more nails" for the bases. It's a sort of paste that is pretty useful for basing and making texture on scenery. The tanks were glued onto it afterwards to avoid them sinking.
Sorry about the blurry picture. Some halftracks.
A simple conversion to mortar halftrack. As you can see I used my two shabbiest halftracks to test it out on.
Wespe self-propelled artillery. It's even got crew inside.
Tiger! My painting doesn't do this miniature justice, a very nice model.
Another extreme close-up of my Panzers with tank commanders, which I need to paint black uniforms on.
A small force of 2mm WW2 Germans all set for some exciting battles. I still have about two dozen more stands to paint but at this scale that's not daunting at all. I would like to do some authentic looking eastern front and desert forces but for now I'm happy gaming with my Hollywood grey forces.